I only want what I do not have...duh!

Other than a great Sinead O'Connor album, that has to be obvious, right? I mean, unless you want more chocolate, which is also a given.
Ha ha, this is so funny. Decided to check on that Sinead title, turns out I've got it backwards ("it" being not simply the title!). Sinead oh so zen-ly pronounced: 'i do not want what i haven't got.' Rock on.
Anyway, what I'm driving at is that it feels like everyone's having babies. Just check out my friend Tom's site. Adorable!
And I've posted a pic here of a friend from high school's little munchkin holding onto my finger while taking a power nap.
Does it get any better than that?!
Congrats to all the new mommies and daddies.
Enjoy every nappy, hiccup & yawn.
We are not alone!!!