That time again...

Another year gone by and surprise surprise it's marking time! Here I sit beside a pile of almost 200 tests and with procrastination in full swing I went on a merry 'research' dance after Fairy Party inspirations online (Thandi turns 4 in a few weeks :). Which lead me to ... wow, what a blog! It reminded me that I too once blogged. So I came to pay this dusty old digital journal a nostalgic visit. Clicking on my Photos link took me on a whirlwind tour of India, Afghanistan, Copenhagen, Paris, Japan, the Transkei...I barely know myself in those exotic places looking so fresh-faced, so child-free! And now, for the first time in (can it only be?!) 4 years, I look forward to an international jaunt. J and I married 10 years this year and off to Venice, Istanbul, the Greek Isles...sans the monkeys. Excitement. Yes! And for the first time ever I find myself hesitant when on the verge of leaving. Because those very monkeys that made my blood boil this evening as they ran amok and refused all enticements to bath, are my very breath, my every heartbeat.