Flow ~ Light Podcast
This week at Flow it's been all about Light!
Here's the podcast, which is a guided 30 minute experience of what happens in our beautiful sessions. Enjoy!
“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the
~ Rumi
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You,
All Love Surround You,
And the Pure Light Within You,
Guide Your Way On
~ Celtic Blessing
Warm up: Bates Method/Sunning & Strobing, Brain Yoga,
EFT/Tapping & Shaking
Pranayama: Ujayi Breath
Hands in Namaste.
Breathe in & up through the chakras (arms open up above
head), let the light in and pull it down through the chakras.
Visualise the colours:
Muladhara/root/base/survival/security is red,
Svadhisthana/sweetness/sexuality/emotional balance/naval is orange,
Manipura/lustrous gem/self-esteem/personal power/solar
plexus is yellow,
Anahata/love/relationships/heart is green,
Vishudha/purification/communication/self expression/throat
is blue,
Ajna/to know/Intuition/Wisdom/third eye is indigo,
Sahasrara/Thousandfold/Spirtuality/crown is violet, white,
Create: Chalk Pastels with blade
Movement: shoulder rolls, wrist rolls, flick fingers, ankle
rolls, half butterfly, foot massage, chaki chalanasana, lie back in butterfly
Relaxation & Visualisation: Awakening the senses through
their correlating chakras
Listen to sounds
Red rose – take in the scent of it,
An Orange – taste its sweetness,
Bright yellow sunflower – see the golden orb,
Green moss – touch the soft,
Blue ocean – hear the waves on the shore,
Write sense impressions leaving a margin on the left side.
Then write “I am” in front of each impression.
Extract a poem. Write it on the back of your chalk drawing.
Cultivate a lightness of being. Allow your light to shine!
Music Credits:
“Camille” by Georges Delerue
“Long Time” Sun by Snatam Kaur
Aboriginal didgeridoo (apologies, no artist)
“Lakme/ The Flower Duet” by Leo Delibes
“Pavane Op 50” and “In Paradisum” by Gabriel Faure
“Sounds of Japan” by Meisho Tosho
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