Halloween or how to quieten the Inner Scream
It's been a season of mind over matter. I find myself back at the university lecturing after a few years hiatus. There was a time in my youth when I thought of my Mind as the best thing about me.
Now I see it as an unruly child in need of consistent boundaries, compassion and attention.
One of the pitfalls of cerebral preoccupation is that the body almost inevitably suffers.
One of the gifts of growing older is that your body becomes less forgiving of sloppy care. Consistency is called for to maintain just an even keel. Every time we remember to take a deep breath and settle comfortably into our own skin is an instance of great self-care.
It's not about hours of dedicated seated meditation or stringent food/exercise regimens, it's about remembering as we sit working or bustling about to also be with ourselves ever so gently.
Cultivate listening to the whispers of your Guru Body, our best teacher since there's no avoiding her.
Take this moment to breathe and be with yourself.
I had the great honour of doing the honours at Jess & Marcus's lovely wedding over the weekend. We talked about how they wanted to celebrate this beautiful day in their relationship and agreed that calling ourselves into presence would serve them and everyone best.
What a shame it is to miss the best moments of our life because our blessed minds are running away with us as per usual. Full of prattle about yesterday and tomorrow, seldom taking a moment to be in the moment.
Try it right now. Notice your breath. Witness the skin draped effortless over your bones. Feel into the spaciousness within and around you.
This is magic.
It's simple, it's always freely available, even during the most pinched moments when we're utterly stressed out. In fact when we're at our most busy is when it behooves us to really just settle into presence.
In between the sugar rush and crash of Halloween, in the midst of the silly season hot on its heels and the million and one end of year duties that cause us all to go a lil crazy or feel quite lost, my wish is that we remember to feel the sun on our skin, the breeze in our hair.
Take a moment to really listen to your inner voice so that it doesn't need to scream.
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Now I see it as an unruly child in need of consistent boundaries, compassion and attention.
One of the pitfalls of cerebral preoccupation is that the body almost inevitably suffers.
One of the gifts of growing older is that your body becomes less forgiving of sloppy care. Consistency is called for to maintain just an even keel. Every time we remember to take a deep breath and settle comfortably into our own skin is an instance of great self-care.
It's not about hours of dedicated seated meditation or stringent food/exercise regimens, it's about remembering as we sit working or bustling about to also be with ourselves ever so gently.
Cultivate listening to the whispers of your Guru Body, our best teacher since there's no avoiding her.
Take this moment to breathe and be with yourself.
I had the great honour of doing the honours at Jess & Marcus's lovely wedding over the weekend. We talked about how they wanted to celebrate this beautiful day in their relationship and agreed that calling ourselves into presence would serve them and everyone best.
What a shame it is to miss the best moments of our life because our blessed minds are running away with us as per usual. Full of prattle about yesterday and tomorrow, seldom taking a moment to be in the moment.
Try it right now. Notice your breath. Witness the skin draped effortless over your bones. Feel into the spaciousness within and around you.
This is magic.
It's simple, it's always freely available, even during the most pinched moments when we're utterly stressed out. In fact when we're at our most busy is when it behooves us to really just settle into presence.
In between the sugar rush and crash of Halloween, in the midst of the silly season hot on its heels and the million and one end of year duties that cause us all to go a lil crazy or feel quite lost, my wish is that we remember to feel the sun on our skin, the breeze in our hair.
Take a moment to really listen to your inner voice so that it doesn't need to scream.
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Remember -- you are enough! |
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