2022: Year of the Tiger

Here comes the Water Tiger, full of Yang Energy. Oooo I can feel it. And I love it! 

Riding the Tiger from the start


My Pisces soul loves water and cats (big & small) and I LOVE the energy of change. 

Which is the energy of life itself.

The air is crackling with it. 

When I think of all the new things I tried just this past week, it makes me grin: 

Aerial Yoga - oh what a delight, to be upside down, not knowing your back from your front, I giggle with delight and feel stretched and humbled in new ways every time. This is it! Do things that scare you and remind you that life is play.

Swing Dance - what charming people these be and boy did we boogie! Yay for friends who invite you to try cool new things!

Hip Hop - Thania is golden. She has been my daughter's piano teacher for years and after watching her hip hop show at the end of another grim pandemic year, it was so utterly life affirming and delicious that both of us signed up on the spot. Best Fun Ever! 

And I've started training for the Cape Town Cycle Tour, after raising money for the good people at Greenpop won me an entry. Triple Whammy of Bday Lovin right there! 

Love a challenge. 

Love helping. 

Love feeling the support of my people for my treeple. 

Really deeply moved by the incredible generosity of You, & if you haven't yet and have a few dimes to spare after the longest month of the year, please donate here.

All these adventures in living remind me that living is FUN! 

Plant Trees, it's SO hopeful!


My beloved Thich Nhaht Hahn left his body on the 22nd of January at midnight. 

Within 48 hours of his passing, I was sitting Zazen with my Dharma Centre sangha at the Sufi Temple in Newlands (join us on Mondays at 6:30pm, mid-month on Sunday mornings and for occasional long retreats in Robertson).  

His face was crystal clear and beaming before me, just radiant peace and compassion. The love that we all are is tremendous and blows my socks off! He then joined me gently but not in the least bit subtly at our gorgeous last-Sunday-of-the-month Meditation morning at Kagyu Samye Dzong.

I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to hold a circle of loving kindness at The Center here in Noordhoek, my beautiful home between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean that breathes Antarctic air...where a superpod of humpback whales frolicked the other day and gigantic waves perplexed everyone as the hottest day in history was recorded here in the Mother City.

Beloved Thây and I invite you to join us on Saturday 26th Feb 3-6pm.

Everything is always changing. The tide, the elements, us. 

We closed 2021 and welcomed this new one on the Otter Trail, a lifelong dream. I'd set the intention with my son 4 years prior, when he was too young to hike it. Now he towers over me and doesn't hold my hand anymore, but still enjoys a challenging hike with his old mom. 

And Now

What can one say of these ineffable immersive experiences in our Mother Nature? 

Fording her rivers

Bathing in her sunlight 


Resting after a long day of many literal and metaphorical ups and downs, reading, writing, meditating with my boy. Blessedly bare feet free of boots, back free of rucksack, mind free of worry. Here we are. Alive, in a golden moment of perfect peace. So grateful!

We walked it. Step by step. 

We are small and here briefly and enjoying the journey.

My children are both back at school full time for the first time in two years. The incredible relief and joy of this cannot be overstated.

They are growing up and it isn't always easy, for them or us. But I wouldn't have it any other way. This is what we're here for. The endless learning.

And Letting Go 

My Meditation Walks have, as always, brought the most beautiful humans into my circle and they have taught me everything about being more human, more connected, more forgiving. 

How to walk gently on this earth and with one another. 

Isn't this everything? 

At the incredible Zeitz MOCAA in the last days of the long summer holidays before everything kicked into high gear, we sat with the children of Rwanda. We wept with them and we knew that we are the same. Your suffering is my suffering. We are not separate. Our joys are the same. As are our sorrows. 

Dear Thich Nhaht Hahn in his exquisite Truth Poem says 

Please Call Me By My True Names.

Ashok Ramasubramanian reminds us that Things Will be Okay

That the veil is oh so thin. The room is full. The support is immense. 



Delightful David Sedaris puts his own spin on the Great Mystery of the Great Hereafter, what a blessed gift is humour -- to have it, to share it, to laugh! Letter from Emerald Isle

See you soon!

Join for a Free Qi Gong Circle & Picnic at Noordhoek Common, 19 Feb 9:30am


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