
I woke up from thrilling dreams of the sea and promptly consulted an online dream dictionary (dreammoods.com -- quite fun) which informed me that I simply 'need to move away from old habits and ways of thinking.' Ah well, since that's all I need to do today... ;)
In an attempt to start afresh I will try to say something positive about my current situation:
It is 38, as opposed to the scalding 40 degrees of yesterday.
Also, it's Saturday which means I can expect a few little visitors shortly. The cleaning lady brings one of her daughters along on Saturdays who is usually accompanied by an even littler friend or relative. They get a real kick out of watching me doing housework and the wonders of our gadgets, particularly my digital camera. I have some priceless headless shots of J and I at her hand.
I've exhibited one that she snapped a couple of months ago. The little tot is her cousin who was sporting quite a fancy bandage on her noggin (unfortunately it didn't make it into the frame) and is clutching a doctor's note. Both were brought to my attention not, as I initially presumed, to get money for her prescription but possibly for a photo or sympathy?
Thank you little ones for your smiles.
In another shameless promotion of my flickr site -- click on My Photos in the sidebar and visit Afghanistan for some of the most precious faces the world has to offer.