Duck 'n Cover

When I arrived here in November last year we had a very leaky house, so some labourers were called in to 'make mud'. Initially I thought that was a cute euphemism for weather proofing, but ney. They and their donkeys turned our garden into even more of a mud pit, added grass and smoothed it over the roof, which is indeed comprised of mud. Unfortunately they did a rather poor job and we spent all winter hop-scotching around buckets and tea cups while huge piles of snow melted slowly into our bedroom. When the snows were gone I clambered atop our house, waved at all the kite fliers on neighbouring rooftops, and spotted the cause of our woes immediately. They had left a nice big hollow above the bedroom. So we got that patched up. Yay. No more leaks through 'rainy season' (2 weeks in April of occassional drizzle). Until I noticed that it looked like an earthquake may have hit while we were on the monsoon tour of India. That and a delightful odour of the grave.
I'm afraid that a mosquito net may not be sufficient to prevent death by falling rafters. I've always thought that it would be a shame to die in some mundane way in a place like Afghanistan, but I had been thinking more along the lines of road accidents, since no one has a license and there is no traffic law enforcement.
Anyway, running away from our very dusty, very stinky house. Off to Faizabad.
Unfortunately the flies are quite tangible and squatting in public is de perhaps you'd fit in quite well ;)
I'd love to have a fellow bluestocking here to help me fight the good fight.
Love you madly...