Pestilential Kabul
When temperatures hover around 45 degrees (113 Fahrenheit) it's jolly unpleasant. But when you're living in a place brimming with open drains/sewers and no electricity (ie. no refrigeration) it's downright dangerous to your health.
J is the latest victim of the scrumptious Afghan food. Poor guy is green and very unhappy.
I'm worried because we're meant to be leaving tomorrow and have an absolutely exhausting schedule over the next 15 days. We're also hoping that our usual r&r curse will not apply as the South Koreans are marching on Saturday.
I wrote about our curse (or blessing?) in this comment.
J is the latest victim of the scrumptious Afghan food. Poor guy is green and very unhappy.
I'm worried because we're meant to be leaving tomorrow and have an absolutely exhausting schedule over the next 15 days. We're also hoping that our usual r&r curse will not apply as the South Koreans are marching on Saturday.
I wrote about our curse (or blessing?) in this comment.
As for meeting my friend - you met Megan? She DID land up working for MedAir, although they posted her to the Sudan for a while. She's back in Lucerne now....
Still, it's a VERY small world!