Bizarre Ice Cream Incident

But that won't keep me from Laughter Yoga tomorrow!
Last week I had a breakthrough and I didn't have to fake it too much. It felt good! And according to everyone I saw afterwards, I looked good too. Bonus!
J gets back from Zambia tomorrow, though I won't see him till Friday since he has to go straight down to East London for the handover. This separation has felt endless. I appreciate e-mail SO much now that I've weathered 2 weeks with little or no communication for days on end. It seems telecommunication in Zambia is not up to scratch. Despite a fairly busy schedule involving family and friends, I've been oh-so-looooooonely.
I'm really looking forward to setting up a home for just the two of us in East London. We'll be driving down on Easter Sunday. Definitely a resurrection of sorts for us. The last time we had a home of our own was in Afghanistan which I left at the end of August and that was rather...dodgy. So this'll be splendid.