Full Moon Offerings

Full moon again and feeling a lot alotalotalot....

It's been an amazing season of busy-ness, which is usually my preferred mode because you can hide very nicely there in all that doing and not pay much attention to your being. But boy does it come at a price. If your body doesn't pack up, something's gotta give.

Kids finished up their second term of the year and it's so lovely as a parent to feel proud of them when they shine their light. But how about when your tweenager flat refuses to allow you to appreciate her at her ballet watching day? Doesn't sound like much hey. Wow, it hit me so hard. I couldn't believe how it stung. I couldn't believe what came out of my mouth when I was wounded to the quick. I felt so wretched about it that I decided the family would be better off without me.

She on the other hand decided to wholeheartedly forgive me and move on. I feel schooled. I feel blessed. Through messing up radically, being shamed and humbled, we grow.
I found this practical how-to article on raising teen daughters soothing: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/more-women-s-work/201805/10-rules-living-teenage-daughter

I also love Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations. If, like me, you prefer audio they're available as podcasts. This one by Glennon Doyle had so much good stuff, as do all the others, so enjoy!

I've been loving leading locals and foreigners through our exquisite mountains and their own process. My heart has been deeply touched by the warm and genuine folk who have gravitated to this offering and their reviews are just so lovely.

The price has gone up slightly since we go ahead even if only one person books. However mates rates of R100 still apply, so contact me if you're keen and bring your buddies, it's not what you think!

I got the best love letter from my sweet ex student Izzy who is such a bright light in this world with her quirky & creative soul weaving its particular brand of magic. Thank you dear heart.

Last Friday Flow for the Winter is this Friday, June 21st, 8:30-10am!
Come celebrate your light on Winter Solstice.
Don't forget Kids Qi Gong, Yoga & Art on July 4th 9-12.
Moon Retreat in an exquisite setting from August 9th -11th.
All of the above limited to 8 participants so please book. 
Qi Gong Workshop in Pretoria at The Yoga Connection on August 27th.

So much richness and diversity day-to-day. Grateful as always to my lovely italki students. You mirror so much profound wisdom, compassion and insight. I love spending time with you. If you or anyone you know is keen on learning English, I'm your woman.

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