I'm alive! (I think)

Apologies to my faithful readers.
I have just now risen from my death bed after the latest bout of most foul food poisoning. Spent all of Thursday night weeping, vomiting, squatting...to sum up, I prayed for death.
Spent Friday and Saturday too weak to stand and wracked with cramps.
Now I'm in the office. Or am I?
Verrrrrry out of body.
According to my mom:
Your body is telling you that you are so influenced by outside forces that you are being poisoned by a situation. It is a psychologically toxic situation.
When the body does this it is an accumulation of toxic thoughts. The body is warning you that those thoughts are not conducive to the fulfillment of your needs. A toxic outlook will block anything positive from coming into your life.
Sounds about right.
So I'll attempt an about turn and say something positive.
On the drive over here my eyes that have seen nothing but the mosquito net above my face for 48 hours were bedazzled by life, colour, movement. How sweet it is to be in the world.
Tomorrow we're flying to Kabul, where I can have some tests done just to make sure that I've ousted the buggers that brought this latest merry-go-round of fun upon me.
Speaking of merry-go-rounds, on Wednesday evening we heard an explosion go off uncomfortably near to our guesthouse. Turns out a Pakistani circus was in town and someone decided to take offense. Fun after all is strictly prohibited by the Quran.
Oops, toxic thoughts creeping in.....
The little dude pictured above brings a smile to my face :)
P.S. Just got an e-mail from mom. She's worried about 'copyright prison'. The book from which the above quote came is 'Your body's telling you: love yourself!' -- check out My Library in the sidebar. I'm sure you're all dying to hear the cold hard truth behind your sniffles and stubbed toes. It's utterly mind blowingly accurate and life changing. Consider yourself forewarned.
Sounds about right.
So I'll attempt an about turn and say something positive.
On the drive over here my eyes that have seen nothing but the mosquito net above my face for 48 hours were bedazzled by life, colour, movement. How sweet it is to be in the world.
Tomorrow we're flying to Kabul, where I can have some tests done just to make sure that I've ousted the buggers that brought this latest merry-go-round of fun upon me.
Speaking of merry-go-rounds, on Wednesday evening we heard an explosion go off uncomfortably near to our guesthouse. Turns out a Pakistani circus was in town and someone decided to take offense. Fun after all is strictly prohibited by the Quran.
Oops, toxic thoughts creeping in.....
The little dude pictured above brings a smile to my face :)
P.S. Just got an e-mail from mom. She's worried about 'copyright prison'. The book from which the above quote came is 'Your body's telling you: love yourself!' -- check out My Library in the sidebar. I'm sure you're all dying to hear the cold hard truth behind your sniffles and stubbed toes. It's utterly mind blowingly accurate and life changing. Consider yourself forewarned.