Naughty Naughty

On the way to Kunduz airstrip yesterday we had to make a 'quick' stop at an agency that will remain nameless. Although they had assured us that the necessary documents would be ready and waiting, they were not. As a result we arrived at the simmering airstrip only to watch in dismay as our little plane taxied down the runway.
We waved frantically and they took mercy on us, stopped and powered down one of the engines. Now I understand why boarding usually takes place with both engines well and truly off.
And have an inkling of what the dead endure upon cremation!
Made it on board somewhat scalded and had a fairly uneventful trip, except that as we approached Kabul the pilot made an announcement that the airport would be closed 'for 15 minutes' and we would be circling over the Hindu Kush for a bit (pictured). When it comes to Kabul sad experience has taught us to expect the worst, so my thoughts ran from IEDs (most common, Improvised Explosive Devices) to other less happy scenarios. In the end we arrived without a hitch only to be chewed out by the non-plussed pilot who informed us that we should be 'proactive' and alert them if delayed. Well and good, only in our vast experience of this particular airline, the wait for its uncomplaining passengers (all humanitarian saints ;) usually stretches to at least an hour.
Anyway, back in Kabul and delighted by the cleanliness of the German clinic. I want to move in! And I loathe hospitals! Blood tests reveal that I'm in recovery. As for the, ahem, other luck yet.