Joie de Vivre!

In exactly 4 weeks we will embark on a whirlwind globetrot, well, EU-trot mostly.
Kabul -- Delhi -- Paris (3 days 2 nights) -- Brussels (4 days 5 nights) -- Copenhagen (3 days 2 nights) -- London -- Johannesburg (3/4 weeks at home-sweet-home).
Can't wait to revisit Paris, it's been 10 did that happen?!
Brussels and Copenhagen will be a first. Yippee yay yay :)
Only regret, Olympic Airlines is going bust, so no stop over in Athens en route to South Africa :/
And can't wangle a layover in London, sorry mates.
I'm tap dancing in my seat as I poach tidbits from Rough Guide and Lonely Planet. It was a bit of a nightmare organising Schengen visas from here. And what's up with paper tickets?!?! Good grief.
Other great news, my protege (yesterday's post) is smart as a whip, shows GREAT promise and has a pledge from her fiance that he'll let her go to Kabul University to study next year.
Things are looking up :)
P.S. A Google search for 'funky world map' yielded very disappointing results and since I have a thing for old maps, that's what you got.
Now, I'm recommending my favorite Paris restaurant, Le Roi de Pot au Feu. It's at 34 rue Vignon, close to the Madeleine-Havre Caumartin. Such great food, and I'm half in love with the waiter/co-owner. Il est adorable!
Make sure you come see me me me!