Protégé Power

In the beginning it was enough for me to be here, associated with an organisation doing a lot to improve lives. Although, I immediately felt uneasy about shipping in expats who are paid ludicrously high salaries (by local standards) and who will leave, often sooner rather than later.
J explained that there simply isn't the necessary expertise available in-country. Educated Afghans tended to flee when the sh*t hit the fan and who can blame them! Part of my job description is capacity building for local staff. This originally consisted of English classes. Again, this didn't sit comfortably with me. English classes so that the international staff can get by more easily. Of course language is a bonus, but not as much of a bonus as empowering people to run their own country.
The Afghans in the office are quite p.c about saying how happy they were when the Americans liberated them, but one of the guys admitted that he wept the day the Americans flew in to bomb the Taliban into submission, not because he was pro-Taliban, quite the opposite! But because he felt that his country had lost its independence.
There are a lot of great expats who are truly committed to seeing Afghanistan into a new age. They stick it out despite loads of difficulties. There are also lots who might as well be desk jockeys anywhere in the world.
Anyway, all of this to say that I've taken it upon myself to train M (of yesterday's'Just a girl') to do my job. It'll be tough, but I feel better about being here than I have done in quite some time. If nothing else, it'll make it more difficult for her husband to justify the loss of her salary.