
We've been on Havelock Island for 10 nights, only 2 more to go.
What does one say about Paradise?
The sea is turquoise, the beach coral white, the snorkelling is beyond....
I mean yesterday we took a little dip with a school of about 50 impressive looking blue-green creatures with huge bumps on their heads and white beaks.
It was awesome!
We've seen clown fish (aka Nemo) playing in their anemones, more parrot fish than you can shake a fin at, coral of every hue and pattern. Gorgeous!
We spent the first 7 nights on Beach #7 which has been voted Asia's Best Beach, no empty boast that. It is pristine and the magic of its primordial forest-jungle makes it something more than just another postcard paradise beach.
J and I have spent a fair amount of time trekking along elephant logging paths through dense jungle teaming with life. Most of what lives here is endemic to the Andamans, so birds and butterflies of most spectacular hues delight the eye only here.
It's possibly one of the few remaining places on earth that is mostly untouched by human hands.
Having said that, the few locals, who are themselves not endemic (the few remaining tribals are protected in reserves)are not the pleasantest lot.
Then again, most of the foreigners here are stoned and a little the worse for wear, so who can really blame them.
We enjoyed a most delightful New Year's Eve at the Emerald Gecko with mellow live music on the beach.
Having said all that, the news I've just received from my friend Jules makes it all seem immaterial.
All we have is this moment.
Wherever you are (and according to an Indian guy on the ferry over here, anywhere outside of the Andamans is Hell), love it.