Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Shiny Happy People

For a good Art of Living.
I have never in my life seen so many ecstatic people. It's like everyone here is in the first flush of romance. The simplest 'Hi' or even a mere passing glance are met with radiant smiles. People are literally dancing for joy all over the place.
I love it!
And boy did I need it after yesterday.
My 'I defy you stars' didn't turn out as badly as Romeo's, but nearly. I'm referring to my unfortunate horoscope mentioned in yesterday's post.
I spent an exhausting day in Bangalore trying to get things done while holding my breath (the pollution!). Eventually, armed with my return ticket to South Africa and a new bigger bag loaded with some pressies as well as everything else, I boarded a bus. This is never a simple undertaking in India. You have to muster every ounce of strength to elbow your way onto a vehicle that has so far exceeded its maximum number of passengers that it defies all laws of Physics.
Crushed between sarees, denim, and burqa (the front seemed reserved for women, thankfully) I answered all the usual questions: What's your name? Where are you from? Do you like India? What's your profession?
I eventually got spat out at some dusty miserable junction and was duly fleeced by an auto-rick for the remaining mileage to the ashram.
I arrived after dark, at the wrong gate. It's a big ashram and no short walk with my hideously heavy new bag. Fortunately a darling Mauritian acted as porter for part of the way and saved me from complete collapse.
I couldn't wait to get cleaned up and get to satsang which takes place from 7:30 till late in the pretty lotus shaped temple.
BUT, they don't accept credit cards and after a looooong walk back to the only ATM, it wouldn't accept my card. So I sat through the deliriously joyous satsang -- such singing and dancing even brought a smile to my weary face -- a little fretful.
After much waiting in the Finance Department I was eventually given a room and mercy of mercies, I had it to myself.
When I hit the sack at midnight I thought I'd sleep forever, but the bladder infection I've been fighting off came back to haunt me with a vengeance. So I spent a good deal of the night pacing up and down praying for relief.
Eventually nodded off only to be awakened by the arrival of a roommate -- Martha from Poland. A darling girl who arrived at about 5am.
After a yummy breakfast I too am easing into the spirit of things. I've dropped clothes off at the laundry, the first time I'm not doing my own bucket wash in 2 months!
I need to go sort out payment for the course, which starts tomorrow.
The ashram is really pretty. It rambles over hills, nestled amongst forest and the architecture is actually cute, rather than the usual kitsch supreme or just downright ugly that I've seen elsewhere.
I'm also in luck, Sri Sri himself got back yesterday so hopefully I'll be catching a glimpse of the lovely man at tonight's party...ahem...Satsang.
Tell you what, it's refreshing not to have to deal with stuck up holier-than-thou devotees. At Sai Baba's a woman in charge (one of many) yanked my hair, because it wasn't tied up?
Here, people are dressed any which way. There seem to be no Silence Laws, in fact everyone is constantly singing and laughing. It seriously is one of the happiest places on earth.
Jai Guru Dev!
Jai Guru Dev ,