
All the lovely writing I did over the Freedom Day/Worker's Day loooooong weekend had me living in my head, that despite reviving hikes with my family in Nature. 

The call for Flow this week was loud and clear, to bring me back into connection with my body. 
The older we get the less we can afford to ignore the subtle whisperings of our bodies. 
They are only asking us to listen and to love them. If we don't listen, they ask louder, until we are forced to pay attention because of pain and disease.

I love Flow for so many reasons. 
One is that it 'forces' me to show up for myself. 
Another is the AMAZING vibe tribe it has attracted into my home and my heart 
(I love you all oh so very much). 
And yet another is it helps me tap into learning I had almost completely forgotten about. 

This week I remembered the wise Thai Qigong Master, Mantak Chia, he is famous in the West for teaching men how to orgasm without ejaculating, thereby allowing them to renew rather than lose their energy, much as a woman does. 

I used his teachings based on Chinese medicine and the five elements as our departure point for reconnecting to Earth.

Yoni Mudra & Moola bandha (mindful kegel exercise, working the subtle body as well as the physical)

9 breaths in and out, open chest, lift chin, arch back as you inhale, SMILE, round back, tuck chin in as you exhale. 
Warm hands and place on back of neck (cranial pump) and lower back (sacral pump).
When we sit the pumps are stagnant, the spinal fluid can’t flow and we get sick.

Elimination from
1.         Lungs
2.         Kidneys
3.         Intestines

Get the pumps pumping with
Bhastrika (bellows breath)
It massages the organs.

Our centerpiece this week incorporated all 5 elements but with an emphasis on Earth
"You don’t have to be holy, just balance" ~ Mantak Chia
The Tao's 5 elements – they work together as a cycle
3 rounds of smiling and spiraling 

Do you recognize yourself and your loved ones in these elemental pictures?

Fire - Heart & small intestine – passionate, volatile, talkative, enthusiastic, leaders …find balance through communication & connection – find alone time, journal writing and meditation, learn to prioritize – avoid spicy food, include bitter leafy greens and cooling foods like pear, cucumber and yogurt.

Earth – spleen, pancreas, stomach (left side of abdomen) – nurturing, grounded, practical, reliable, compassionate, empathetic – late Summer – love gardening and home crafts – thoughtfulness can become obsessive and codependent – might crave carbs and struggle with weight – develop healthy boundaries, take time out in nature, stay present (meditation), avoid sweets and go for sweet veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes. 

Metal – lungs & large intestine – courage, righteousness, sincerity, self-discipline, structure, intelligence, perfectionist, creative – Autumn – fast metabolism, respiratory problems – grief, can allow past hurts to damage current relationships – regular exercise, seek help to let go so that you can form healthy relationships, beware of self-righteousness, breathe deeply, white foods, like mushrooms are helpful.

Water – Kidney & bladder – soft, gentle, go with the flow, but also determined, introspective, enigmatic – Winter – can be fearful, indecisive and timid, fear is a sign of imbalance – don’t isolate, drink lots of water, soups, stews and seaweed are nourishing.

Wood – Liver (right side) – determination, adventurous, Type A – Spring, drawn to growth and possibilities – lean and graceful – encourage yourself to remain flexible, avoid alcohol, eat sour foods to stimulate the liver.

Earth Salutation

Make: Clay work
Meditate on the Earth element 

 To celebrate Mother's Day this Sunday all are welcome to try a
FREE Flow class during the month of May ~
Mondays and Fridays 8:30-10am,
Tuesdays 6-7:30pm
in Noordhoek

It's gentle movement, meditation and art therapy.
Very relaxing and restorative.
Exactly what every mother deserves!


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