What's happening with the Writing?

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I may or may not be procrastinating a wee bit with this here blog post.
The reason being, I have exactly one week to get the final manuscript of my second book, which is on pre-order, uploaded.

Several people have asked, but why?!
Why put a book on pre-order at all?
Why put yourself under this kind of pressure?
Why indeed.

A good deal of my painfully limited time is spent researching marketing strategies.
The feeling seems to be that you need to rapid release multiple books in a series to please the almighty Amazon algorithm. 

Although, I overheard one of the 'experts' on the podcasts I listen to while mom's taxiing all over the show say 'what good is more product when you're not selling what you have'?

Anyway, too late now! You can't bump the deadline without losing pre-order privileges for a solid year. I've even put the third in my series up for pre-order to keep me motivated post-holiday.

We have a fab family trip coming up (finally this blog can revert to being the travelogue it was born to be) and I know myself well enough to predict a slump on returning to the ol' routine.

I do LOVE writing.
This whole marketing spiel less so, although I'm on a learning curve which is always exciting.
Something interesting: I've set up a Facebook profile for my pen name and it's fascinating to witness how VERY different my alter ego's timeline is.
I'm loving the new 'friends' I've made and I have to say that the indie publishing world is peopled by the most supportive fellow writers and readers.

At first I was really (and I mean really) nervous about putting work out there but so far I've only received encouragement and kindness.
Isn't that lovely?

Today started with a killer Berg-wind rosy-sunrise beach walk and is ending with a rose to remind me of how sweet it is to be alive and doing what I love.
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So why the procrastination?
I fell off my daily word count with family visiting and several celebrations and departures. Truly a whirlwind of fun and disruption. As much as I loathe boring routine, it is nigh impossible to get a damn thing done without some semblance of order.
My sweet hubby is away which means I'm losing about 2 hours a day to schlepping children to and from school. Plus their first ever Exams means I'm dragging them through 'their' studies.
And other excuses ;)

So back to writing!
I will be taking an hour to do Mark Dawson's free webinar on Facebook Ads for Writers.
Oh and I found yet another wonderful podcast - The Worried Writer.



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