Control Freaks

Ah, the serendipity of Internet connections. People unexpectedly popping up and an almost eerie synchronicity in e-mails from the 4 corners of the globe. Lately I've noticed a disturbing trend in the subject matter. Everyone's talking about fertility, or rather a lack thereof.
I live in a country with the highest maternal mortality rates and some of the worst stats for deaths under the age of 5. Here, women can be married off young, I met a girl who was given away at the ripe old age of 3! And it's expected of each wife (according to Islam a man is entitled to 4, though I've met a few with more, the extra wives are conveniently converted to sisters) to give birth to about 12 kids. Hopefully more boys than girls.
Since at least 2 die early, that leaves a decent work force of 10.
Slowly things are changing, but only in the towns.
I've had people approach me and ask for family planning advice. Some of the most rewarding moments in a reward-rich job have been private chats about how to try to have 3 rather than a dozen children. This is clearly progress, right.
However, mostly I'm approached by women in villages begging for medicine to have children...not that they don't have any, but usually because they have too many girls or only half their alotted dozen kids.
It's hard not to feel superior in one's ability to wait and have well-considered children. Until you find that you can't have any.
Then it becomes a question of why. Is it because of our stressed-out lifestyles? Our GMO pesticide rich diets? Pollution? Age?
But surely it's just a little bit stressful to live through 30 years of hardcore fighting, losing many loved ones and often limbs. As for GMO, this is where GMO can take over unchecked to fill unfussy hungry tummies. And nevermind pesticides, try full out chemical warfare. Here women are popping out babies into their 50s, nary a fertility clinic in sight.
Could it be that in controlling our fertility so brazenly we've lost the nack?


ACG said…
Your blog is amazing. I will certainly be back to read more.

Keep up the good work,

Charisse said…
Ditto! And thanks ;)
Shona said…
As someone who has a vested interest in this topic I find your observations very interesting. Could it be that one most serious and devastating side effect of birth control remains unrecognised ?

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